Having the Gospel of the Transfiguration so close to the beginning of Lent points to the conclusion of the Lenten Journey — the celebration of the death and resurrection of Jesus.
We continue to remember Ukraine and we also pray for the people of Russia who have demonstrated against this war. We too sometimes experience these Transfiguration moments – both as a disciple of Christ and in our own personal lives.
Some people describe them as “conversion moments” which may occur through a major life event, the witness of another person’s life, unexpected mercy received, or a deep encounter with God in prayer. prayer.
Perhaps we could find it in our hearts to pray that President Putin will have a change of heart and somehow recognise that the atrocities being committed defy human belief. While transfigurations aren’t the sum of a person’s faith, they do strengthen one’s loyalty to God and conviction of His truth and love. They help a person persevere through those times of personal suffering, or persecution.
When tempted to abandon what we can’t see for what we can, we can think back to those Transfiguration moments. We have had them in Mildmay as miracles have happened to our patients and indeed, to our staff.
And of course, there is also the miracle that we are still around having been founded over 160 years ago!
Header image: Fire Within by Suzy Freeborg