“... As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world" (John 9: 5)
Lent is a penitential season -- a season when we strive to sacrifice as we prepare to commemorate Christ's great sacrifice. Does that mean we should be downcast for these 40 days? On the contrary!
Even as we meditate upon the endless love God bears for us and the mystery of the Resurrection, our hearts should be joyful: after all, God does love us, and Christ has risen from the dead.
In our Lenten practices, let us think of almsgiving in this way: we give of our time, talent, and treasure; we give of ourselves, following the example of Christ. The love of God that has been poured into our hearts is the love we pour out for others.
We look ahead to greater spiritual growth, to growing more Christ-like, and to the celebration of the Resurrection. This is a season of hope, and today’s Gospel Reading throughout the world reminds us that Jesus heals us and brings light into our lives but wants us to invite him to do so!
This week begins with Laetare Sunday*, which was first suggested around the eighth century. We all need little special moments in our lives, and we certainly need a reminder during Lent that we are saved already and that Christ has done so much for us to transform us. So, let’s rejoice and be good to ourselves today!
We are also remembering that it is Mothering Sunday as well as Laetare Sunday - a day for thanking others. So let’s think of all those who nurture others, who give life to others, who provide for others while not forgetting those who were part of our lives before they went to their eternal reward. Happy Mothering Sunday!
Sister Bernie
Mildmay Chaplain
*The term "Laetare Sunday" is used by most Roman Catholic, Lutheran and Anglican churches. The word comes from the Latin laetare, the singular imperative of laetari: "to rejoice".