Good Friday 15 April 2022
Today, as Christians, we contemplate the cross of Christ! This is the day when Christians remember the final journey of Christ to Calvary.
A friend of mine wrote the following after the death of her fiancé...
“Our hearts are broken, but they need to be broken in order to be redeemed. Let us be attentive to this brokenness. God is creating us through it. May our tears, our real tears and our symbolic tears, water the seeds of hope in us. Even if the whole world, especially in war-torn countries [like Ukraine], seem today to be harsh, distant and silent like Golgotha, our love in the midst of that world can become a carrier of God’s redeeming love to others. Christ’s death does not take away the radiation of life; it makes life radiate. It is accomplished!”
I now leave you to contemplate the above words in silence but with hope in your hearts.
Photo by Francesco Alberti