Palm Sunday is on the 103rd day of 2022. There are 263 days left in the year. In the Christian calendar, Palm Sunday is the Sunday before Easter and the final Sunday in Lent. Palm Sunday marks the first day of the Holy Week.
On this day Christians everywhere commemorate Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem’ riding on a donkey. Traditionally palm branches are waved in Christ’s honour and in memory of His triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Those attending church will normally be present for the Blessing of the Palm branches, followed by a church procession, The members of the congregation will then take a palm branch to pin up at home.
This year we hope to do the same at Mildmay although there are still a few pandemic restrictions in place in hospitals.
We shall be united in prayer with all those who, over the years, have given us such generous support.
Image by Brady Leavell