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Step-Down COVID-Care Pathway

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Our dedicated COVID-care number is: +44 (0)7895 751 370. Email:
  • Referrals can be submitted 24/7

  • They can be submitted by a wide range of Homeless teams across London including outreach teams and homeless hostels, when COVID-19 is suspected or confirmed in a homeless individual

  • Patients are referred if they are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms (cough, breathlessness, temperature above 37.7, changes to taste and sense of smell) and still need a confirmation of their diagnosis OR if their Covid-19 diagnosis has been confirmed

  • Referring teams have the responsibility to fund and arrange the patient’s transport to Mildmay. Mildmay is unable to fund patient transport on admission or discharge.

Use the referral page to access forms for:
  • Day Therapy Services

  • HIV Medical Referral

  • HIV Nursing

  • Occupational Therapy

  • Social Care Questions for Admission



  • 1-4 beds have been designated for homeless COVID-19 care, according to patient need

  • COVID-19 patients have a specific nurse allocated to them

  • PPE is used at all times as per respiratory isolation precautions

  • Patients are potentially admitted at any time, day or night, although we aim to admit the majority during working hours. This is significantly different from our standard admissions procedure for HIV rehabilitation and Homeless step-down patient pathways

  • On admission, all patients admitted under this pathway are given the Covid-Care Induction and Behavioural Agreement form. The patient needs to retain this information (due to infection control reasons). On discharge, the patient can take the form with them or it can be destroyed. The form has been translated into several languages including Bengali, French, Polish, Romanian, Russian and Spanish

  • COVID-19 homeless patients are essentially being admitted to Mildmay in order to facilitate self-isolation safely and rapidly. The primary focus of the nursing and medical team will be observation and monitoring

  • If a patient is admitted under the COVID-19 Homeless pathway, it is not essential that they are registered with a GP on admission. This differs greatly from our other pathways, where patients need to be registered with a GP prior to admission. COVID-19 patients can be assisted with GP registration during their admission at Mildmay.



  • If a patient is COVID-19 negative, they will be transferred back to their hostel. If a hostel refers a homeless patient to Mildmay for COVID-19 isolation, they need to keep the patient’s bed open for the client for the duration of their admission at Mildmay

  • If a patient has been admitted from the streets, we will inform hostels such as St Mungo’s that we have a patient who will require a hostel placement


Exclusion criteria

  • Any patient who exhibits chaotic or uncontrolled behaviour due to unmanaged substance use or excessive alcohol use

  • Any patient who exhibits violent behaviour to others

  • Any patient who is so physically unwell that an acute hospital admission is indicated

Exclusion citeria

Clinical enquiries

For more detailed information about Mildmay's COVID-Care beds, please contact us using the dedicated COVID-Care number: +44 (0)7895 751 370, or email:

Clincal enquiries
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