As we approach World AIDS Day (WAD) on 1st December we pause to on reflect the last 30 years of Mildmay’s work at the forefront of HIV service provision and care. This year Mildmay share this anniversary with World AIDS Day, which was first marked in 1988-the first ever global health day.
On WAD we remember all those who have died of AIDS related illness, especially those cared for at Mildmay, their families, friends and loved ones. World AIDS Day is an opportunity for us all across the globe to join together in efforts to combat HIV, fight stigma, promote HIV awareness and understanding, and remind the public and governments that HIV has not gone away – there is still a vital need to raise money, increase awareness, fight prejudice and improve education. We will stand in solidarity with people living with and affected by HIV as we look towards an ever brighter future.

At Mildmay our marking of WAD began today with a special service for all which included song and readings. At the end of the service, those who wished to were invited to lay a candle on the red ribbon which will remain in our chapel across this week end. The service was followed by a rousing concert performed in our Day Therapy room by the Mildmay House Band which included volunteers and staff – watch this space for future tour dates!! We have many hidden talents at Mildmay and this was an opportunity for them to shine. Our receptionist Des, playing the drums for the first time in….many years had clearly lost none of his skill! A wonderful afternoon enjoyed by us all- there was even some dancing!

As the weekend unfolds we will be promoting and joining the ENDAIDS2030 festival, which is happening across World AIDS Day. On Saturday there is (as if you could forget)! the RED RUN in Victoria Park, where team Mildmay will be dusting down their running shoes and joining with many other HIV charities, to form a ribbon of red runners snaking around the park. There will be lots of entertainment, so come along to cheer even if you aren’t running. Mildmay will then be joining the World AIDS Day Vigil in London.
On Sunday The Admiral Duncan in Soho will be hosting a fabulous fundraising evening ‘Drag Idol Allstars. Admission is free and we’ll be asking for donations and of course they’ll be a raffle!

There are lots of events taking place across the #ENDAIDS2030 festival check them out right here!
