Earlier this week, Mildmay Hospital took delivery of four new hospital beds, which are urgently needed to cope with the influx of new patients resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Mildmay is now caring for patients with HIV-related neurological conditions – as we always have done, but now added to this are people who are homeless as well as COVID-19 patients. Some of our patients fit into all three categories, but all our patients require the specialist care and rehabilitation that Mildmay has expertise in.

The beds were ordered several weeks ago, and we have been full of anticipation for their arrival, as they are replacing existing beds that are no longer fit for purpose.
This is not the end of the story, however. Hospital equipment requires constant maintenance and/or replacement and renewal.
We still need new beds to replace others which are reaching the end of their life, and we are asking our supporters to help us fund their purchase.
We initially plan to purchase four additional specialist beds and mattresses and have so far raised over £6,000 towards the £20,000 cost, thanks to your generosity.