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Fourth Sunday in Advent

Advent can feel like a mountain.

It can seem that we are making slow and steady progress towards the ‘top’, that is the celebration of the birth of Christ. But it can also feel like a slog through slippery and treacherous terrain. To reach the summit we must pass through the challenges of the virus, of war-ravaged countries from where their peoples have fled all that is familiar to them, where the news brings appalling stories of man’s inhumanity to man, where little children are discounted, starved and abandoned.

We encourage you to take heart, to listen out for that neighbour, to approach that person who is alone at Christmas, to find time for another, to make the world a kinder place in which to live.

We at Mildmay are grateful to our readers, those who take the time to read our website.

Blessings during this last week of Advent.

Sister Bernie and the Chaplaincy Team.

Advent; a time of great anticipation

by Joan Rooney

As we await the birth of the blessed babe

let us silently hum the alleluias that

will soon be shouted out loudly again.

Envision the shepherds tending to their

flocks in the fields as of yet unaware

of the great miracle so soon to come.

Imagine Mary pregnant with our dear Lord

travelling the perilous hill country of

faraway Judea to see Elizabeth

six months pregnant with Saint John the Baptist.

Ponder the famous words that Elizabeth

joyfully proclaimed upon Mary's arrival.

"My soul magnifies the Lord and

my spirit rejoices in God my SAVIOUR.

He has put down the mighty from

their thrones and has exalted the lowly...

He has filled the hungry with good things

and the rich He has sent away empty..."


Image credit: KaLisa Veer



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